Selected projects

Some recent or emblematic projects of the office's work

Middle school of Ouangani, Mayotte
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Middle school Ecoquartier, Rémire-Montjoly French Guyana
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Robert Doisneau High School, Corbeil Essonnes
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Jean Mermoz French Highschool, Dakar
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French Diplomatic Campus, Nairobi
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International city of tapestry and woven art, Aubusson
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City of the Accordion and Heritages, Tulle
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University Health Building, Nantes
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Mamoudzou Sud highschool, Mayotte
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Université Régionale des Métiers, Marseille
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Music house, Châteauneuf-sur-Loire
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Artist Mario d'Souza studio, Menetou-Salon
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Don Quichotte multimedia library, La Plaine-Saint-Denis
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Louise Michel library, Paris
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Community recreational centre, Magnanville
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CNP staff restaurant, Paris
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