City of the Accordion and Heritages, Tulle
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Services de la Collectivité, St-Pierre et Miquelon
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Robert Doisneau High School, Corbeil Essonnes
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French Highschool Albert Camus, Conakry Guinea
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French Highshool Charles Lepierre, Lisbon
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International city of tapestry and woven art, Aubusson
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French Highshool Victor Hugo, Marrakech
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11 social housing units rue Villiers de l’Ile Adam, Paris
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Théatre des Quartiers d'Ivry, Ivry-sur-Seine
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Highschool Uruguay-France, Fontainebleau-Avon
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Extension of the highshool Théodore Monod, Nouakchott

V1G pavillon , MIN of Rungis
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Léopold Gardey school, Bures-sur-Yvette
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Grain De Sable cinema studios, Montreuil
Six établissement du secondaire et du supérieur, Union des Comores