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Chantier du Grand LIAD à Alger
The building site of the LIAD - Lycée International Alexandre Dumas - in Algiers begins with the GLOBETRACE company.

Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime de Saint-Malo
Delivery of the new ENSM in St Malo after 16 months constraction works and 12 months of studies.

Cité de l’accordéon à Tulle
Le chantier de la Cité de l’accordéon et des patrimoines se termine doucement mais sûrement.

Ecoles de Métiers à Abomey Calavi, Bénin
The TERRENEUVE NOVAM CP&O consortium selected to build 3 "trade schools" - water and sanitation / digital / energy and sustainable development - and a sports complex on the IITA site in Abomey Calavi, for the MESTFP / ACISE, Republic of Benin.

TERRENEUVE & PEP ENGINEERING selected for the project to rehabilitate and build new extensions to 6 secondary and higher education establishments in the Union of the Comoros, as part of the AFD-funded Project to increase the offer of professional training programms. After 2 weeks surveying the sites in Grande Comore and Anjouan, the studies are starting.

CoCliCo project
TERRENEUVE office was selected with the CoCliCo project following a call for projects launched by the French Fund for the Global Environment, represented by AFD, with a view to developing passive cooling systems in Senegal associated with bioclimatic earth architecture and the use of revegetation.