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COP26_Présentation Jean Mermoz highschool

The example of Jean Mermoz high school was presented by AFD and ADEME at the COP26 in Glasgow on November 11, 2021 as part of the conference on urban cooling.

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Des solutions pour rafraîchir les villes - ADEME

Case study on the Mermoz high school in the International Urban Refreshment Collection edited by ADEME and AFD
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15 years of contemporary architecture

15 years of contemporary architecture French highschools worlwide

Vivre Ailleurs - RFI

TERRENEUVE is featured in Corinne Mandjou's Vivre Ailleurs program on 10/17/2021
 - Watch on RFI website

EXE 45 - Aubusson

The International City of Tapestry in detail in the latest issue of the EXE magazine

Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime de Saint-Malo

TERRENEUVE est lauréate du concours pour la construction de l'ENSM à Saint-Malo. Les études sont en cours pour une livraison prévue à la rentrée 2023
Voir le projet