Crèche and centre for child and mother welfare, Paris
The construction of this crèche and centre for child and mother welfare is part of an urban operation on the former location of the Herold hospital. The building’s relationship to its environment is a fundamental aspect of the project, and is the core of the environmental procedure implemented for this facility. The architectural style presents a limited range of materials: solid brick, concrete and metal used to protect extensive glass windows.
First early childhood HQE certified equipment in Paris, the environmental management system and priority targets (management of upkeep and maintenance, hygrothermal comfort, sanitary air quality) were assessed for two years after delivery .

Crèche and Mother and Child health care Centre, HQE certified (Haute Qualité Environnementale, French sustainable development building standard)
Ville de Paris, Direction de l’Action Sociale, de l’Enfance et de la Santé
Régie Immobilière de la Ville de Paris, representative
Paris 19, France
Design team
TERRENEUVE architects, representative
C. Ripeau, économics; Satoba, structural engineers; Cap Ingelec, MEP engineers; Michel Raoust, HQE consultant ; Armelle Claude, landscape designer
Surfaces and construction cost
1 253 m² SHON / 3,07 M€ HT
Delivery 2006
Design and supervision
Photos ©Daniel Rousselot